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Why Choose Hockey Opportunity Camp?

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HOC is an excellent choice for parents looking for a traditional summer camp experience in beautiful Northern Ontario, with “best in class” hockey training and a variety of exciting activities for their children to enjoy.

Hockey Opportunity Summer Camp, Ontario

We make summer camp easy for your campers... and you.

Each camp session is a minimum of one week-long, making it an affordable and safe option for campers who have never attended camp before.

All campers are dropped off at camp on Sunday, giving parents an opportunity to see, first hand, where their child(ren) will be spending the week.

Parents also have the opportunity to meet the many staff members that will be a part of their child’s week at camp including, directors, health care staff, counselors, activity and hockey instructors.

For parents of hockey campers, when they pick-up their child(ren) on Saturday, they have an opportunity to see their camper play a hockey scrimmage game. (Bruin and Senior scrimmages take place Friday night).

Campers are grouped age appropriately.

Your child will be in a cabin with a total of 8-12 campers. We try and ensure that campers bunking together are all within one grade level of each other.

Meals are family style... campers can eat as much food as they want!

We provide family-style, all you can eat meals prepared with highly nutritious fresh food. GB Catering, our hired catering company, can accommodate many different kinds of food allergies.  We would be happy to discuss your camper's allergy in more detail and discuss the exact menu that will be served the week your child will be at camp.

Our Tuck Shop & Kitchen also do not stock any products that contain visible nuts or nut products.

Our staff is the very best.

Your child will be supervised at all times by our caring and well-trained staff. Our counsellors sleep in a separate room within the cabin with the campers. Various staff members can be used as resources for your camper while at camp, giving them the confidence to address questions or concerns immediately.

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Summer Hockey Camp Availability

The Ideal Camper

This camp is perfect for both girls & boys who play organized hockey – or not! – and want a traditional summer camp experience.

Age Groups

All Camp Programs: 7-16 yrs of age.

Read More About HOC

Health & Safety
Preparing for Camp
Staying in Touch

We are 100% focused on health & safety.

Parents can be assured that detailed emergency procedures are in place and qualified health professionals are on-site to quickly assess any health concerns. Learn More >>

We take care of all the equipment & gear.

Hockey Opportunity Camp supplies all the required equipment for each camp activity, including bikes and helmets. Hockey campers are required to bring all their own personal hockey gear.

After registering your child you will receive a detailed checklists of everything your child will need to bring camp. Click the link to view your camper's program-specific HOC Handbook for more specific camp details.

We make it easy to stay in touch with your campers.

To stay in touch with your campers, we post daily photographs of camp life for you to browse and you can email your child (one-way email) while they are at camp. Learn More >>

But... the best reasons to choose HOC come from parents of past campers. 

Here are a few comments from our parents. To read more, click here.

  • My kids had a blast. I heard nothing but wonderful things the entire way home. The counsellors were amazing, fun and caring. The food is apparently amazing...they went on and on about that. Well done by all. I can't say enough and hopeful to recruit more of their friends next summer.
    -Lindsay | Parent
  • Thank you for all that you do!!! This year I organized for a larger group then my family (lol) and the feedbacks are awesome. So you must be doing a great Job!!! We will see you next year! Have a great time for the rest of the summer.
    - Isabelle | Parent
  • I just wanted to thank you and all the staff at HOC. Our 3 kids had a terrific time, once again! We really appreciate all the hard work that everyone does in order for things to run so smoothly. It is very comforting, as parents, to know that our kids are so well looked after. Once again thanks for everything.
    - Lynn | Parent